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Home: Välkommen

Forget the days of unsafe transactions, with the Vaulter suite of service, you can safely pay in advance or sell products/services with the confidence of knowing that you will receive your end of the bargain safely.

Buyer and Seller agree on terms

Buyer sends the money to the vault

Seller delivers service/product

The terms of the agreement are met

Vaulter releases the money to the Seller
Your challenges, our solutions
Discover our services
Vaulter Paylink
There is a demand for trust and liquidity in the travel market, and new EU regulations for travel guarantees are on the horizon. Paylink meets these demands while slotting in perfectly with the upcoming laws.
Avaliable both seamlessly integrated with API, and as a standalone sevice, Webb, Vaulter Paylink makes payment requests as simple as sending an email.
Release Q3 2023

Vaulter Dealmaker
Vaulter Dealmaker is built for Android and iOS and is designed by Powrs to solve the buy- and-sell dilemma by offering protection to both buyers and sellers when making deals with unknown people through their smartphones.
The app protects both parties by holding the funds of a deal in a neutral space called the Vault until the conditions of the deal have been met.
An early version is out and avaliable on IOS and Android, scan the QR-code and download it today!
Full Release 2024
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